Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2010

Freitag, 30. Juli 2010

Sorry! Forgot this one...

Hi again! As the tabletop-game project was stopped for a short time because of some ehm... not cleared rule questions I was going on with my other videogame project. Unfortunately I can't post the finished final concepts as they (the guys of stillalivestudios) don't want me to reveal how the game is going to look finally before the game is released. So here some "pre-concepts"?!

Dienstag, 13. Juli 2010

The cover of the tabletop-game.

Here a work I made for a tabletop-game invented by a friend of me. It should represent the spell 'fireball', the picture than is going to be printed on a card. I first liked it, but now I'm pretty sure that I'm going to rework it as i have still time to change things as it seems.

Hi there! Sorry for the long break but I was checking out some new technique... had a move and I'm working part-time now... no, unfortunately not as Illustrator, but I hope to change that!

So here some works I made as exercise with the Tablet in Photoshop. I took more or less 1-2 hours for each. The first two are actually parts of paintings made by the Renaissance painter Caravaggio and de last one is took from a foto.

Freitag, 5. März 2010

And here the sunglasses and headphones again with many little men as my sister wished. I made the lines with pen and ink and worked with Photoshop on the glasses in the final picture. If you're asking now "Why tiny little men?!" don't ask me...

A caricature of the king of pop. I drew it for my sister to be printed on a t-shirt as a present for one of her girlfriends. "Just make some man with this sunglasses and that headphones..." she said. Well unfortunately that girlfriend doesn't like Pop, so I keep up sketching.
Here the second sketch. As I also didn't like the face of the first guy I drew, I took my face as model for this one. Much longer nose (as it allready is), bigger chin, other hairstyle etc. et voilá.
Now I was quite happy with this proposal. I just hope the guys of the company like it... still waiting for answer.
My first proposal picture I made for the company Bio Express. They wanted me to draw a caricature of a customer that buys or bought, a realy exaggerated amount of vegetables and fruits. Well i wasen't very happy with this first sketch because he kinda looks like some mafioso with that hat...

Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2010

Diesmal als Model, eine Sonnenblume.

This time as model a sunflower.
Eine unserer beiden Schildkröten zuhause, die ich wärend sie schwammen, beobachtet und auf Papier festgehalten habe.

One of our turtles at home, that I've observed while their swim and draw on paper.
Aufgabe: eine Iniziale mit einem Tier verbinden. Meine Version ist einfach aber kontrastreich, mit Tempera gemalen.

Mission: Combine an initial letter with an animal. My version is simple but with contrast, painted with tempera.
Ein Frosch den es galt auf einen neuen Untergrund bzw. Hintergrund zu malen. Auch mit der Tempera-Technik gemalt.

A frog that should have been painted on a new underground and background. Also made with tempera.
Ein Fisch. Gemalt mit Tempera.

A fish. Painted with tempera.
Eine weitere Idee für einen Buchumschlag zum Thema "China".

An other idea for a bookcover as theme "Cina".
Ein Bild ohne Auftrag, aber das ich einfach malen musste... mit Acrylfarben.

A picture that I just must make, also if not ordered... made with acrylics.

Ein Buchumschlag mit dem Thema "Andalusien". Ölfarben auf Papier.

A book cover with the title "Andalusia". Oil on paper.
Bei dieser Aufgabe ging es darum einen möglichen Buchumschlag zu kreieren der zum Thema "Die Reise" passte. Ich verwendete hierbei Acrylfarben.

This is a picture I created as exercise for a possible book cover, titled "The Travel". Here I used acrylic colors.
Eine weitere Schulübung, dieses Mal mit Holzfarben.

An other exercise, this time with pencils.
Ein toter Vogel genau... naja, es war sozusagen eine Schulübung die dazu diente die Tempera Technik zu erlernen. Soll heißen ich habe keinen echten toten Vogel vor mir liegen gehabt, sondern von einer Fotokopie als Vorlage abgemalen, keine Sorge.

A picture I've made at college as exercise to learn the tempera technique.