Freitag, 30. Juli 2010

Sorry! Forgot this one...

Hi again! As the tabletop-game project was stopped for a short time because of some ehm... not cleared rule questions I was going on with my other videogame project. Unfortunately I can't post the finished final concepts as they (the guys of stillalivestudios) don't want me to reveal how the game is going to look finally before the game is released. So here some "pre-concepts"?!

Dienstag, 13. Juli 2010

The cover of the tabletop-game.

Here a work I made for a tabletop-game invented by a friend of me. It should represent the spell 'fireball', the picture than is going to be printed on a card. I first liked it, but now I'm pretty sure that I'm going to rework it as i have still time to change things as it seems.

Hi there! Sorry for the long break but I was checking out some new technique... had a move and I'm working part-time now... no, unfortunately not as Illustrator, but I hope to change that!

So here some works I made as exercise with the Tablet in Photoshop. I took more or less 1-2 hours for each. The first two are actually parts of paintings made by the Renaissance painter Caravaggio and de last one is took from a foto.