And here the sunglasses and headphones again with many little men as my sister wished. I made the lines with pen and ink and worked with Photoshop on the glasses in the final picture. If you're asking now "Why tiny little men?!" don't ask me...
A caricature of the king of pop. I drew it for my sister to be printed on a t-shirt as a present for one of her girlfriends. "Just make some man with this sunglasses and that headphones..." she said. Well unfortunately that girlfriend doesn't like Pop, so I keep up sketching.
Here the second sketch. As I also didn't like the face of the first guy I drew, I took my face as model for this one. Much longer nose (as it allready is), bigger chin, other hairstyle etc. et voilá.
Now I was quite happy with this proposal. I just hope the guys of the company like it... still waiting for answer.
My first proposal picture I made for the company Bio Express. They wanted me to draw a caricature of a customer that buys or bought, a realy exaggerated amount of vegetables and fruits. Well i wasen't very happy with this first sketch because he kinda looks like some mafioso with that hat...